Everything You Need to Soar!

You're busy building your dream business and life!

That's why every single Chiron course and workshop is designed to be
quick and easy to digest
so you can
implement improvements right away
and start earning more, enjoying your business, and loving your life as a self-employed creative!

  • Pricing yourself perfectly to energize your business and your creativity!

  • Finding and landing your dream clients

  • Making sales easy and enjoyable for you and your clients

  • Developing seamless processes clients love

  • Building a strong portfolio

  • Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries as a self-employed business owner

  • Marketing yourself and your services as a freelance creative

Upcoming Workshop

Join us on Thursday, November 17th for...

You're in Good Company!

"So Much Value!"

by Brittany VanDerBill

Rai is amazing. Her coaching sessions gave me the feedback, insight and confidence I needed to start earning an income as a freelance writer.

Before working with Rai, I didn't even know that I could be a writer. Rai helped me see the value in my previous experience so I could leverage it to find more clients and be happier with the work I'm doing.

I know I can turn to Rai any time I need some help. She provides so much value in every coaching call! I highly recommend working with her.

"Everything Is Easier Now!"

by Emma Kobs

Everything is easier now since working with Rai. Of course, it's still scary, going out on your own and representing yourself to the world. But I'm not truly alone because I have Rai on my side.

Look, if you're struggling with aspects of business ownership (setting rates, difficult clients, etc) there's a chance something deeper is going on. Rai digs in and finds what it is, and helps you fix it.

I'm a better PERSON thanks to her efforts. And sure, I did the work! But I've still never had a question Rai couldn't answer.


"A Unique Experience!"

by Shana Robinson

From the moment I connected with Rai, she has been a breath of fresh air. As a visionary, I am constantly coming up with new ideas and concepts, and I know what I want, but not always how to get there.

No matter what project I present to Rai, she listens, dissects the perfect way to lay it out, package it, and deliver it to provide a unique and digestible experience.

"Tremendous value!"

by Mark Stone

Rai always brings tremendous value to any conversation we have about my business. She’s positive, practical, and understands my pain points and how to address them.

I’ve grown personally and professionally with Rai's help, and recommend her highly!

"Always Present & Positive!"

by Shelley Dennis

Rai has played a significant role in helping me grow my copywriting business. She’s incredibly gifted at looking at a situation from various angles and presenting solid solutions I never considered.

The icing on the cake is that she’s the most giving and supportive person you could ever meet, always present and positive.

I feel so lucky to have found her!

Scaling with Personal Goals in Mind

by Alyssa Miller

Through Rai's gentle guidance and friendship (mentorship, coaching, whatever word you want to choose), I've been able to build my Virtual Assistant skills into a scalable business so that I can reach my personal goals of starting a family, traveling, and giving back to my community, and my professional goals of building a service-based business of my own without any start-up capital.

Renewed Motivation & Confidence

by Chelsea Greenway

I have loved working with Rai! Every time I meet with her I feel a renewed sense of motivation and confidence in my business and all the great things that I have on the horizon.

I have learned so much about marketing myself and finding leads/clients.

If I ever feel discouraged I know I can reach out to Rai to get me back on track!

Meet Your Instructor

Business Mentor & Entrepreneur Coach

Rai Hyde

As a business mentor, coach, and teacher, my goal is to help you design a healthy business that will support your happiest life.

My philosophy is deeply rooted in the energetics of manifestation, law of attraction, and money as a conduit for energy transfer.

My online courses and workshops focus on developing your understanding of business-building fundamentals and mastering the energy and magnetism that will bring the theoretical into the physical world.