In this 2-hour workshop, you'll learn how to...

  • Gauge your overall capacity for client work and externalize timeline decisions to avoid people-pleasing

  • Foster healthier relationships and set realistic timelines with your clients

  • Eliminate overwhelm from your business caused by over-extending yourself

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to the Gauging Your Freelance Capacity Workshop!

    • The Gauging Your Freelance Capacity Workbook

  • 2

    Live Workshop Replay

    • Gauging Your Freelance Capacity – Workshop Slides

    • Gauging Your Freelance Capacity – Live Workshop Replay

  • 3

    Feedback & Bonus!

    • Workshop Feedback

    • Bonus – 50% Off a Private Session!

Get Lifetime Access

to the self-paced workshop, the live replay, and all workbooks and exercises!

Meet Your Instructor

Business Mentor & Entrepreneur Coach

Rai Hyde

As a business mentor, coach, and teacher, my goal is to help you design a healthy business that will support your happiest life.

My philosophy is deeply rooted in the energetics of manifestation, law of attraction, and money as a conduit for energy transfer.

My online courses and workshops focus on developing your understanding of business-building fundamentals and mastering the energy and magnetism that will bring the theoretical into the physical world.